Betekenis van:
field of vision

field of vision
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • de ruimte die men met de ogen tegelijk overziet
  • all of the points of the physical environment that can be perceived by a stable eye at a given moment




  1. It seems my field of vision is not as wide as it used to be.
  2. Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
  4. Field of vision
  5. Front forward field of vision
  6. Checking of the field of vision
  7. ‘Sector of vision’ means that part of the field of vision bounded:
  8. 77/649/EEC — Field of vision of motor vehicles
  9. Optional equipment which may affect the rearward field of vision: …
  10. Directive 77/649/EEC — Field of vision of motor vehicle drivers.
  11. Vision field: normal (absence of any abnormality affecting the task to be performed)
  12. the information set out in point A.I. shall appear in the same field of vision.
  13. on the field of vision and windscreen wipers for wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors
  14. At this examination attention shall be paid the following in particular: visual acuity, field of vision, twilight vision and progressive eye diseases.
  15. Drawing(s) or photograph(s) showing the location of component parts within the 180o forward field of vision: …